Exploring Spanish Words That Start with ‘W’

In the Spanish language, words that begin with the letter ‘W’ are relatively uncommon and are typically borrowed from other languages, particularly English. The Spanish alphabet includes the letter ‘W’, known as “uve doble” or “doble u,” but its usage is primarily seen in loanwords.

Spanish Words Starting with ‘W’

Here are some notable Spanish words that start with the letter ‘W’:

  1. Whisky: This term refers to the alcoholic beverage known as whiskey. The spelling remains the same as in English, though pronunciation may vary slightly.
  2. Wi-Fi: Adopted directly from English, it denotes wireless internet connectivity. In Spanish, it’s pronounced “wee-fee.”
  3. Walkie-talkie: This term is used in Spanish to describe portable two-way radios, maintaining the same spelling as in English.
  4. Windsurf: Refers to the sport of windsurfing. The term is borrowed from English and retains its original spelling.
  5. Wéstern: Used to describe Western films or genres, this term is adapted from English and often includes an accent mark to guide pronunciation.
  6. Wok: Denotes the traditional Asian cooking pan. The word is borrowed from Chinese through English.
  7. Water polo: This term refers to the sport of water polo and is directly borrowed from English.
  8. Windsurfista: Derived from “windsurf,” it describes a person who engages in windsurfing.
  9. Whiskería: A term used for a bar that specializes in serving whiskey.
  10. Wéstern: Refers to the Western film genre, maintaining the English spelling but adapting to Spanish pronunciation.

Pronunciation and Usage

In Spanish, the pronunciation of ‘W’ in these loanwords often mirrors that of the source language, typically English. However, the subsequent vowels and overall pronunciation may be adapted to fit Spanish phonetics. For instance, “Wi-Fi” is pronounced “wee-fee” in Spanish.


While native Spanish words starting with ‘W’ are rare, the language has embraced various loanwords beginning with this letter, primarily from English. These terms have been integrated into everyday usage, reflecting the dynamic and evolving nature of the Spanish lexicon.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are there any native Spanish words that start with ‘W’?
    No, most Spanish words beginning with ‘W’ are borrowed from other languages, especially English.
  2. How is the letter ‘W’ pronounced in Spanish?
    The pronunciation of ‘W’ in Spanish loanwords often mirrors that of the source language, typically pronounced as ‘uve doble’ or ‘doble u.’
  3. Why are there so few Spanish words with ‘W’?
    The letter ‘W’ is not native to the Spanish language and is primarily used in loanwords from other languages.
  4. Do Spanish speakers use these ‘W’ words frequently?
    Yes, many ‘W’ words, especially those related to technology and modern culture like “Wi-Fi” and “web,” are commonly used in everyday Spanish.
  5. Are there any Spanish place names that start with ‘W’?
    Yes, for example, Wamba is a unique town in Spain whose name begins with ‘W’. Located in the province of Valladolid, its name derives from the Visigoth king Wamba.