What Is A Jake Turkey? How To Spot A Jake Turkey?

So what is Jake Turkey? The opportunity to prepare a delicious turkey for the annual Thanksgiving feast is something that people throughout the nation look forward to. Toms and gobblers are the mature male turkeys that are most often known. But the Jake turkey is also an essential part of the turkey family that needs your attention. This piece will help you determine what is a Jake turkey, an interesting bird, is all about.

What Is A Jake Turkey?

Jake Turkeys are males who are younger than a year. A gobbler is a grown male turkey, and a jake is a young turkey. Most Jakes are 12 to 18 pounds, have beards 2 to 6 inches long, and have small, knobby spurs. The primary feathers on their tail fins are longer than the feathers on either side. Different jakes eat at other times. Jakes that gobble is generally older, have longer spurs and hair, and strut more. “Super jakes” is another name for this turkey.

How To Spot A Jake Turkey?

  1. The short beards of Jakes, also called “short beards,” make them easy to spot. Adult males, also known as “longbeards,” usually have beards at least seven inches long, but beard rot can make their beards shorter or even disappear. “Super jakes” are birds that can grow beards up to six inches long.
  2. The spurs on a Jake turkey are usually short and round. Most of the time, these will be shorter than half an inch. An adult gobbler will likely have sharp spurs over half an inch unless they’ve broken them off.
  3. Check out an animal’s tail feathers to see if it is a Jake. The feathers in the middle of Jake’s fan will be longer than those outside. If the tom is at least two years old, his fan will be smooth and straight, with all the same length feathers.
  4. If you compare Jake to a gobble, Jake’s gobble will be softer and more broken. This is only sometimes true, though; sometimes you’ll hear Jakes that sound like big toms. Some Jakes even walk in with a strut like they’re the boss.

Is It legal To Hunt Jake Turkeys?

It is okay to hunt Jake turkeys in the US. Most states allow hunters to take limited numbers of Jake turkeys in the United States. Before shooting, you should check the local rules because each state has a different hunting season and bag limit. Jake turkeys might need a license or unique ID in some places. Additionally, hunters should check their state’s rules, as the types of weapons allowed vary from state to state. 


So, what is a Jake turkey? The wild turkey species called a “Jake Turkey” is native to the eastern United States and some parts of Canada. Its bright color, loud calls, and acrobatic flying make it easy to spot. Many people hunt Jake turkeys for fun, but their calm behavior and beautiful feathers make them popular pets. On the other hand, having a Jake turkey requires extra care and attention because they have specific living needs.


What’s The Difference Between A Jake And A Tom Turkey?

The beard on an adult gobbler called a “tom,” can be 7 to 9 inches long or longer. On a young gobbler, called a “Jake,” the beard is less than 6 inches long. In summer, gobblers stay away from hens because they don’t help raise chicks.

How Old Is A Turkey Compared To Jake? 

Male chicks grow into jakes after a few months. These birds have been around for about a year. They usually weigh between 12 and 18 pounds, have beards that are 2 to 6 inches long, showy tail fans with longer feathers in the middle and shorter feathers on each side, and have short, bumpy spurs. Different jakes eat at other times.

Is A Jake Turkey Good To Eat?

Some shooters think those nearly one-year-old male birds are the same as bigger males, or gobblers, publically available and legal turkeys. Some people would never shoot Jake, and some people will only shoot Jake if they come in strutting and gobbling like an adult tom.

Does Jake’s Bird Gobble?

A Jake will gobble when it’s time to rest, but an adult gobbler differs from a Jake. Jake’s gobble could be more explicit and fuller than an adult Gobbler’s.

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